A Grateful Writer: Thanks, Walt

“This is what shapers do for those who have neither universe, nor personhood, nor name: We weave the world around them.” – Walt Wangerin, Jr.
I was sad to learn of the death of author Walt Wangerin, Jr. He died yesterday.
Walt’s The Book of the Dunn Cow is phenomenal, and he’s written many excellent books. But hearing him speak at the first ever Rabbit Room Hutchmoot in Nashville, many years ago, was more important for me than even those books.
I was talking to Randall Goodgame (of Slugs & Bugs) right after Walt’s talk and he summed up Walt’s gift to us so well. “I feel so validated.”
I did too. It was an artful encouragement and validation of the place for artists in God’s work.
Walt’s words that day, about the role of storytellers and artists in culture and the kingdom, helped me break more completely away from years of impoverished, unbliblical views about The Doctrine of Vocation in general, and the vocation of a writer in particular.
It was a sort of “last straw” for me in a positive way.
I praise God for that gift. I have been working in the shade of that tree for many years and I intend to pass it on.
Rest in peace, Walt Wangerin, Jr.
And thank you.