The Lost Key Launch Giveaway
Happy Official Launch Day
It’s launch day for the new Green Ember book! The Lost Key is officially out and shipping. (From our store🥇. Amazon sometimes lags🥈.) I hope you love it!
I’d be so grateful if you’d go to Amazon, those infamous laggers, and add a brief review. It helps so much!
We normally do a big launch party to celebrate but, due to my recent health trouble, we are going to have to postpone that fun!
Instead of a party, we are doing a GREAT BIG GIVEAWAY!

$5,000+ in Winnings & 250+ Winners
Here’s what we’re giving away:
- Christmas Special | 3 Winners
- My Place Beside You Sweatshirt | 5 Winners
- My Place Beside You T-Shirt | 5 Winners
- Oath Ornament | 5 Winners
- Character Cards | 5 Winners
- The Green Writer Course | 5 Winners
- Story Warren Audio Pack (The Found Boys, Mooses with Bazookas, The Misadventured Summer of Tumbleweed Thompson, The Last Archer, The Black Star of Kingston, Team Burger Shed) | 50 Winners
- The Found Boys Audiobook | 50 Winners
- Mooses with Bazookas Audiobook | 50 Winners
- The Misadventured Summer of Tumbleweed Thompson Audiobook | 50 Winners
- Team Burger Shed Audiobook | 50 Winners
Grand Prize
One winner will receive the Grand Prize. This includes….
The Christmas Special, My Place Beside You T-Shirt & sweatshirt, Oath Ornament, Character Cards, The Green Writer Course, and the Story Warren Audio Pack.
How To Enter
- Be following and like, comment (be creative?), and then share to stories: this Instagram post or this Facebook post
*If you don’t have social media, comment below and share this blog post.
Once you’ve done that, say so here to be entered:
Giveaway ends and winners will be announced on Monday, December 9th. Winners must be 18 or older, US address only for shippable products. May not force me to eat peas.
I hope you win!
P.S. I’m feeling much better and improving a lot! Thank you for caring and praying.
P.S.S. Get access to giveaways, deals, & a free audiobook here.

I can’t wait! I live to read a lot
Our daughter has enjoyed all the Green Ember adventures! She has read the series twice and a third time with the Tales of Old Natalia and Green Ember Archer. She will be so excited receiving an autographed copy of The Lost Key! i think I’m going to have to read these myself ; )
Hoping to win, and sharing with my friends!!
I love you books and have been waiting for another and I’m so excited!! Smalls is my favorite and I can’t wait to read more about him! I think I might read the whole series again just to make sure I know all the details!😆😁 thank you for sharing your story’s and god bless you!😊
yes!! I love small and can’t wait to read more
Green Ember: Read It To Your Kids To Hear Them Scream “AAAARGH!” after every chapter! We read a LOT as a family (250-750 books an year…yeah, we’re THOSE people) and as a dad, I owe S.D. Smith a lifetime debt of gratitude for enjoying four kids yowling at the cliffhanger ending of Every. Single. Chapter. Rereading this series is phenomenal; there are maybe 5 authors who I rate in his fictions literary caliber category: Tolkien, Lewis, Pratchett, Flanagan and Peterson. Buying every book he’s ever written may be the best hook into reading you’ll do for anyone! Entire Lego-Con groups, friends from Boston to Oklahoma to the Wet Coast; everyone to whom I’ve recommended these has been uber-delighted with Rabbits With Swords! Read ‘em! Re-read ‘em! Devour the adventures! Join the Warren!
I love your books.
What a joy to hear you are doing better, and have a new Green Ember book to boot!!! I am always so encouraged and excited by your emails, books, and the overall vibe of the ministry you guys have in The Green Ember world. You are truly and inspiration and encouragement to so many. Thank you so much for all you do and for doing it so well!
Blessing from Cornwall, UK,
Iona and family
Not enough salt is an in-salt,’ and ‘Too much salt is an as-salt! Thanks for the perfectly seasoned books!
Hi Lydia 😂😁
Hope you win something in the giveaway 😄
One of my favorite quotes! I love all your books, and can’t wait to read your new ones!
My kids are so excited about the next addition (and so am I)! I printed out a picture of the cover so the could get it it as one of their St. Nicholas Day presents today!
Finally a new Green Ember book! I can’t wait to read it!
We love all the Green Ember books!
My daughter loves your Green Ember Series! She brings it up whenever discussing her ‘Top Favorite Books’. Thank you for sharing your gift of writing and your imagination with the world. It has brought great joy to our home…
Looking forward to reading this one, we can’t get enough of these characters!
My daughter doesn’t know about the newly released book and will be surprised on Christmas morning! She’s going to be so excited!
Thanks so much for your books. My kids love them. Can’t wait to get our copies of The Lost Key. (We will NOT wait until Christmas to unwrap and read! 🤓)
My kids, especially my 11-year-old, absolutely loves this series. He listens to the audios over and over. I never worry about pre-screening the content. Thanks for writing such great books.
I’m so thankful for your wholesome books! It’s difficult to find books in upper reading levels, so I’m excited my kids have the Green Ember series to read! I listened on audiobook first and it was so fun!!
I love the Green Ember series so much! Honestly, probably MORE than my kids do, the books made me weep. I thank God for Sam and his family and their conduces. This world needs them to succeed! I’m on your side and I know you are on mine!
I love the Green Ember!!!!!
The ending of Embers End was best what could be better?! -Isaac T.
I am glad you are doing better, and I’m excited to read your new book! Helmer is my favorite character. 🙂
My Place Beside You!
YES, helmer is the best.
I can’t wait to read the new book!
Our kiddos are excited!!!
We appreciate the rich, living stories The Green Ember stories provide that captivate our hearts and minds. We are grateful!
The Green Ember is my favorite series! My siblings and I love it so much!
Thanks so much for all you do!
These are awesome, amazing, wonderful, marvelous, and astonishing giveaway. I am really hoping to win the Green Writer Course.
I love all the Green Ember books and am soooo excited to read The Lost Key! I’ve read the entire series at least three times, once with my family (who all love them as well), once with a book club, and on my own! Your books and characters are so inspiring, when I read about Heather, Helmer, Picket, Smalls, etc…it makes me want to be more brave, kind, and confident. Thank you for writing such amazing books that inspire and encourage kids all over the world.
Sometimes I am sad that there are not enough years in a life time to read all the great books, but then I remember that I have read The Green Ember and am satisfied.
I’m so excited about the new book! My sister and I can’t wait to read it!
Huzzah another Green Ember! Super excited to read it!
My kids love these books and quote them all the time! They cannot wait to get this new Green Ember book. Thanks for the great stories, Sam and Family!
Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep a new book launch a secret from my daughter who loves Green Ember?!?! OK, I’m excited to read The Lost Key as well, but we’re honestly a little nervous, what if something changes? What if we find out about Helmer’s scar and it isn’t what we thought? What if my daughter gets to read the book before I do and she spills the beans? (It’s technically her Christmas present, so I should probably let her read it first, right?)
Thanks for all you do, praying for a full recovery!
I loved the Green Ember series! Can’t wait!
We’ve already pre-ordered and my oldest will be so excited when he gets it for Christmas! We gave him the whole signed series last year and he loves it. Glad your health is improving! We’ll pray for you to get back to 100% soon.
Thanks for the chance! Can’t wait to read this with my boys as they get a little older!
What was picked out as a read aloud for my kids ended up being a read aloud in the class I teach. It has easily been the best thing incorporated into my class in the 8 years I’ve been teaching. Thank you for your wonderful books. I can’t wait to read the next ones.
My girls asked for play Armor and swords for Christmas so they can play Picket and Heather. They love the books!
So excited! Hoping to win or get this book for Christmas.
This is so exciting! Me and my sister love Green Ember! We quote it all the time! My sister has Heather’s necklace, and I just ordered mine! She will be so excited that we both have it together! I love all the cool merch for Green Ember, it’s so neat! I can’t wait to read the Lost Keys!! Thanks for doing this S.D.Smith!!
Bear The Flame!
We LOVE all things GREEN EMBER and all things S.D. SMITH!!! We’re so excited about the newest book shipping today. It’ll be one of our daily advent books the kids will get to open before Christmas! We love to recommend and give these books to our friends too. I say often, “We’re a Green Ember family” (with five boys and a daughter how could we not be?!)
Woo hooooo!!! Our girl loved Green Ember so much as a new reader that our dog is named Ember. Ha! I can’t wait to order this book for her!
Big fans!!!
Thank you for providing stories full of good adventure and characters. My kids and I really enjoy the Green Ember! Although, they keep asking impatiently if there is a 3rd Jack Zulu book yet. 🙂
Oh ma goodness i love yur books!!!! so fun and rabbity! i’ve loved them since age 100!
My children are so exited for new book.
The original 4 books got us thru a family challenge. My son and I enjoyed every minute of the audios in our drive time. Thanks for inspiring kids and adults alike.
Yay! I’m so excited! Big GE fan, ever since I was 10! Read every book as they’ve come out! Can’t wait! 😉 Happy holidays, and bare the Flame, y’all!
Can’t wait to read the Lost Key, thank you so much Sam!!!!
Yay! We love Green Ember! Thank you for writing books that encourage us to fight the darkness within and without 💪 “My place beside yours, till the garden Ember rises or the end of the world.”
The Green Ember is my favorite series ever!! I named my white rabbit Smalls.
I am a HUGE fan and cannot wait for every new post, book, and Merch! Happy holidays everyone!!
Looking forward to the new book and finishing the series! Just introduced recently and we are loving it
Can’t wait to read the Lost Key, Thank you so much Sam!!!
So excited 😆😆😆!!! I cannot wait for the Lost Key to come out!!
Cannot wait for this new book!!
My daughter has absolutely loved the Green Ember series. Can’t wait to get the new book!
We LOVE the Green Ember. I am surprising my kids with this for Christmas but it’s going to be hard to wait. Thank you for sharing your God-given gift with us! Praying for you in your recovery!
I love your books so much there my comfort read whenever I’m stressed or upset and make me feel right at home thank you for sharing your story’s with the world and god bless you!!😊
My 8 grands love these books!
My son devours your books! He will be so excited to get this new one on Christmas. He begged me to read the Green Ember series too so that we could talk about it together. Love that! I thoroughly enjoyed reading the series … and chatting with my 9 yr old.
We have been praying for you for a quick and complete recovery. Thank you for all you do to bring great literature to kids.
My three oldest children adore all of Mr. Smith’s books! I love how they are encouraged to do brave things, despite being scared.
I’m so excited to surprise my children on Christmas with this new Green Ember book! They don’t even know it exists! 😀 Thank you so much for creating these wonderful books!!
We’re waiting until Christmas to read The Lost Key, and can hardly wait! Thank you so much for writing these wonderful books. You are in our prayers!
I don’t read many newsletters that I get in my email, but I actually enjoy reading yours. You are authentic, and I do feel like you are on our side. I appreciate that you provide wholesome entertainment that also prods my children to be brave and honorable.
*pinches arm* This cannot be real. This is the most gargantuan giveaway… I’m so excited!
I was going to give the Lost Key as a Christmas surprise, but a friend spoiled it 😆. So we plan to read it as soon as it comes.
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! SO excited! This honestly looks so cool!!!
We love these books! So refreshing to have good quality literature that the whole family can enjoy!
We are so glad to hear you are feeling better!
My daughters have loved the Green Ember series especially! We commiserate with your appendix woes and pray for a quick recovery!
Such a gift to have such quality writing we can trust for our adventure seeking 8 year old!
Just got mine can’t wait to read it!! Looking forward to reading more adventures from my favorite rabbit friends!
The Green Ember series has been such a joy to read!! I have recommended it to so many people! Super stoked that there are further tales about the characters I love so much!!!
I can’t wait to read the new book and see old friends again!
Thank you. We love Green Ember!
Huge fans!!!! Love your work! Perfect family read alouds!
I am so excited for another Green Ember book! Thank you for working hard to write stories with truth and beauty! Your books remind me of this quote from LotR: “The thought pierced him [Sam] that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach.”
We love Green Ember. My siblings and I drove our friends (and cousins, and grandparents, and church family…) crazy for years with our rabbit oriented speculations. These books are special, because no matter the plot twist, the story is simple. In its voice, in its heart. It’s sparks in darkness, and it makes me want to make light too.
Thank you for writing them!
Hey! I love your books! I’m so excited for the new one! Can’t wait for the giveaway!
My package is in the mail… and I’m warning you… if it doesn’t come with a “Bear the Flame” sticker, I’m sending it back. Or at least throwing it out.
But for cereals… I peel those stickers off the packaging and stick them inside the covers of my books. Right on top of the author’s signature. It’s like a seal of authenticity.
Can’t wait! I love the Green Ember!
This looks so exciting!
My sisters and I LOVE the Green Ember books and are super excited to read the new book, “The Lost Key.”
“Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book.” – John Green
HELP ME, Mr. Smith! I can’t stop recommending The Green Ember series to anyone and everyone I meet… I couldn’t ever have enough rabbits with swords, and I’m SO excited to read The Lost Key!
I’ve been praying for you. I’m so glad to hear that the Lord is healing you!
– Abigail
Healing is on the horizon, but a fire comes first.
Bear the flame.
P.S. I share your aversion to peas. I shan’t force you to eat them. (:
We’re super excited to read The Lost Key!
Thanks for writing the coolest stories! (And for the coolest giveaways) 🎄
Thanks for the coolest stories! (And the coolest giveaways.) 🎉
Yay for more great books. Can’t wait to read them.
Who knew that there was a lost key?!
Looking forward to this giveaway!
I love the Green Ember stories.
I read the original 4 green ember books several years ago and only just recent got reconnected with these stories again. Looks like I’ve got a lot to catch up on 😀
Find yourself a cozy nook!
It’s time to read the latest book.
It’s so fun that you’re doing a giveaway, Mr. Smith! This is going to be a very happy Christmas for a lot of kids and kids-at-heart! My younger sibling and I have devoured all of the Green Ember books (all three series!), and I can’t wait for the latest one to come in the mail. Hoping for some more Helmer-Picket moments! 😉
I started reading\listening to Green Ember when there were only eight books and have eagerly devoured each book as they came along. I thought for sure there wouldn’t be more GE, so that makes me super excited for this one! Thanks for the giveaway!
So excited to read it! Glad you are recovering Mr. S.D. Smith!
This is so exciting! Can’t wait to read the next Green Ember book!
I love your books!! Can’t wait to read the new Jack Zulu and Green Ember books!!!!
AFTER LIKE 2 YEARS IT’S FINALLY OUT! A NEW BOOK! AND HelMeR iS iN IT! And only 6 days before the 10th anniversary of the series!
And I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better!
I have loved these books for many many years, and you have inspired me to write some of my own! Thank you so much for always a good read and showing me what it is to be both a good writer and a great author. :):):)
God bless you Sam in your work of making godly books for kids of all ages!
I’ve read all of the other Green Ember books to my kids, which they loved. They were thrilled when the new signed copy arrived yesterday and can’t wait to jump into another story.
We shared the blog on X. Thank you for your work! Happy Advent (though that may not be the right word to describe Advent) and eventually Merry Christmas!
The Green Ember is my favorite book series. Hands down. The amount of tears I’ve cried over these guys lol.
Glad to hear you’re getting better!
My children love The Green Ember Series and this year we are looking forward to reading some of your other books!
Our kids love your books and can’t wait for the continued tales!
We’ve so enjoyed your books. Mooses with Bazookas had us all laughing out loud.
I’m intrigued to read The Found Boys!
Just ordered the new book!
Our family has loved all of your books and can’t wait to add The Lost Key to our collection!
I have LOVED these books! I can’t wait to read The Lost Key!
We love the Green Ember books. Great allegorical fiction that is appreciated by the whole age range in my home. We have loved getting to know the characters and cheering for them. Excellent character development and writing quality. So many books end up leaving you wanting in regards to character development or plot lines or quality of writing but not these!!! We are so excited for another book!!!!
I love the books and I’m really looking forward to read the Lost Key!
Absolutely thrilled to read this!
This is amazing! Cant wait to keep reading more Green Ember with my kids!
Ahhh so excited for this! Can’t wait to get a copy!
I love your books so much! Can’t wait to read the Lost Key!!
My daughter loves Green Ember and can’t wait to read The Lost Key!
We started reading Green Ember when my youngest children were young teens. My son is now in Bible college and my youngest daughter will graduate high school in May and let me tell you…they are going to FREAK OUT when they learn that there is a NEW Green Ember book! We bought them both a signed copy of “The Lost Key” and we cannot wait to get them in the mail, wrapped and under the tree! If you think the love of Green Ember fades as the kiddos grow up, you do not know the power of the Flame!
Merry Christmas!
The Woodards
Excited for the new book! The whole series is great, especially the audiobooks. I’d buy them all on CD for friends if I could!
We like your books!
I’ve enjoyed sharing the Green Ember Series with my grandchildren. We’ve listened to all the books while visiting or traveling together.
I was so excited when my book arrived! Can’t wait for more!
Love The Green Ember!! The Lost Key was amazing!! Can’t wait for the next one!!
Love The Green Ember books so much!! I can’t wait to finish the Lost Key; I was so excited when it came!!
You are a great author. I have read the whole green Ember series.
You are a great author. I love green Ember series.
Thank you so much for all you do! We enjoy your writing, writing workshops, and emails so much. It’s good for the soul. Your encouragement to young writers is so appreciated by our family who has a young writer.
I just listened to your episode with CJ Milacci this morning, and I appreciated everything you said, especially the MFA concept of creating and writing. Your stories are ones I want to add to my collection of what I read to my kids. Thank you for your faith, words, and encouragement.
The Green Ember is one of the best stories I’ve read! It’s very well written and tells a compelling story. I just received The Lost Key yesterday and can’t wait to start reading it! Thank you so much for writing these incredible stories with true heroes.
I just got the book in the mail! I’m so excited to start reading. Just lemme get some tea in my green ember mug and grab a blanket on the couch.
My son was so inspired by the Green Ember books, he chose a selection to memorize and deliver as part of an Oral Languages competition, as well as mention in a short fiction story he wrote last year. Thank you, and so glad you’re feeling better. Blessed CHRISTmas to you and yours.
omg I love green ember series, hoping to win, and good luck to all!
-God Bless!!! <3
This looks so fun! Good luck to everybody!!
Both nervous for this new book (and according to the spine series), but I know whatever it is, I will still enjoy the process of reading it.
We are big Green Ember fans!!!
My son has read every Green Ember book over and over and over again! We love them!
We love the Green Ember! My 9 year is on his second time through the books (this time reading by publication order not by series).
Wow, what a generous giveaway! We are so thankful for books like yours! Really, your bookstore is the coolest.
Our four oldest children (16,16, 18 and 20) have enjoyed the original series for several years now. My wife and I have not read them through ourselves, but we plan on starting a read through in 2025 with our two youngest (6 and 9), but we’re pretty sure our older children will want to join us as well. We just purchased the Archer and Old Natalia Christmas bundle as a Christmas present for all of them this year. We are going to follow the suggested reading order (minus The Lost Key unless we happen to get a copy through this giveaway). Thanks for using your gift to provide wholesome content that the whole family can enjoy!
We love this series! My 6 & 8 year olds are fairly obsessed and when we finished listening to the audiobooks immediately started re-reading the series for themselves. For awhile it was common to hear them calling each other Heather and Picket or playing star seek and running from wolves 😅
My kids love the Green Ember stories.
I’ve heard about your books and my kids are now getting old enough to start reading them.
I read the first Green Ember book as a read aloud in our homeschool back when it first came out. (I learned about it from the Read Aloud Revival podcast!) The kids loved the book–especially our third son, who is currently 14. He has now read the entire series himself–at least twice. He recommends the series to his friends, and we recently gave the first Green Ember book as a birthday gift to a friend. He loves reading and writing in part from this series by S.D. Smith! If you haven’t read the books yet, DO IT! You will be inspired, challenged, and encouraged. Just ask my son.
I’m so thankful to have a good, clean book series that my children really enjoy reading multiple times! Thank you!!
We are absolutely obsessed with green ember in our house!!! Even grandparents have been told to read them! We can’t wait to gift our boys the newest one for Christmas…they actually have no idea and will be beyond ecstatic! So thankful for these books too – good clean adventures for avid book readers or not!
My family loves these books! I shared this post with our homeschool co op.
My whole family loves listening to the green ember books on audible. The stories have led to many great conversations and I highly recommend them to others.
I read the series to my kids a few years ago, while yelling my hubby he should read it too.
His reply: “it’s rabbits”.
This year he ran out of books on Kindle and we just so happened to have the first 3 Green Ember books on the app. After book 1, he was hooked. He kept telling us “I keep forgetting Picket is a rabbit!”.
When he finished Ember’s End he declared the series in his top 5 favorites- up there with The Hobbit. That is high praise in this house.
Now he finally understands when I say “it will not be so in the mended wood”.
Thanks for the giveaway! I ordered the new green ember book the very minute I saw it! Can’t wait for my daughter to open it on Christmas!
My whole family loves listening to the green ember books on audible. The stories have led to many great conversations and I highly recommend them to others.
I completed the social media entries.
Sharing with our homeschool friends! Lots of your fans in our community!
Can’t wait for our newest book to arrive! I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait til 12/15 to gift it to our oldest for his 10th birthday – how do I have a 10yo?!
My little sister has been loving the Green Ember books, and I’m so excited to give her The Lost Key!!!
(Also, she literally just a month or two ago got appendicitis and had to get an appendectomy! So she was pretty shocked when she heard that you also had to get an appendectomy. 😅)
Amazing books by an amazing storyteller!!! Keep em coming😄
Thank you for providing quality reading material for our young readers! Excited for the to unwrap the world of imagination this Christmas!
Thank you for the Green Ember Series! We came across them by accident looking for an audiobook for a family road trip. They are amazing! Not only do they keep the children’s attention, but they kept the parents engaged as well.
We read your wonderful books while swinging in a hammock looking out over a small village on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Thank you for such good literature you are providing families with.
So thankful for all you do!!
A new Green Ember book? How extremely exciting! I can not wait to give it a read! Your tales are such an inspiration and I am so grateful for every word that shines light on the truth while urging a picking up of our own swords…. Of course they aren’t tame, but they are good. 😉
So glad to hear you are doing better!
Sending prayers, gratitude and love from England x
A new Green Ember book? How extremely exciting! These books are so special!
Your old soul tales are such a refreshing and encouraging inspiration. Thank you so much for every word that shines light on the truth, a battle cry and a song of hope… beautifully un-tame but good words.
I’m so glad to hear you are doing better! Sending prayers, gratitude and love from England.
X Malana
My family and I love your books! We are also West Virginians! 😊 Thank you for the opportunity to win some awesome prizes! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
The Green Ember series brought us through the pandemic with an adventure story to lift the spirits of our kids each and every night. My husband was deployed at the time the pandemic set in, and the memory of having this series to spark the imagination and the need to bear the flame in the darkness was especially important for me. Older now, at least one of my kids return to the stories ever year and get lost in the adventure of the calling He puts on each of our lives. Thank you S.D. for speaking truth through rabbits.
Merry Christmas!
Our family of 7 are huge fans! As big readers our schedules are usually pretty booked up but there’s always time to fit in another Green Ember adventure (I’m glad we’re all on the same page about this)😉😁📚
We’re happy to hear you’re on the mend and thank you for such a fun giveaway!🎊🎉
love your books and I hope I win
I have been reading Sam’s books for years. So excited to hear that there is another Green Ember book available! His books show his sense of humor, which contributes to the quality of his stories. I highly doubt that I will be waiting until Christmas to read The Lost Key.
Yay! Cant wait to surprise my brother on Christmas!! Hope you feel better soon!
We completely love this series. My entire family (of 9) has read the entire set and many of us have read them many many times over. I’ve read all of them probably about seven times. I have been waiting for another book for awhile so we are sooooo excited for this one!!! I can’t wait to read it!!
We were really hoping for like backstories and stuff about Helmer mainly and maybe some other stuff about King Goodson and Garten etc.
This is so exciting! Thank you so much!