Why the Resurrection Means So Much

Happy Easter!
I love this holiday, this season of hope and resurrection. If Jesus rose from the dead, then everything else comes into focus and balances against that cloud-cresting mountain of meaning. The resurrection of Jesus shows us that our troubles aren’t final and our weakness and failures aren’t eternal. Our sickness, suffering, and sin are a part of our story, not the last, sad chapter.
I need that news! We get that news each Easter.
I love Jesus. Glory to you, Lord Christ!
You rule my heart, our home, forever,
Jesus, King of Endless Glory.
Following you is my best endeavor,
You’re Author and Hero of the greatest Story.
Jesus has risen! Halleluja!
Jesus has risen! Hallelujah!
We do get great news every Easter. Incoming notice that there will soon be strawberry shortcake being made!
Jesus Christ is risen!!!!
Happy Easter!
We do get great news every Easter. Incoming notice that there will soon be strawberry shortcake being made!
Jesus Christ is risen!!!!
Happy Easter!
I really appreciate how open you are about your faith!
Thank you for this reminder of the greatest day in history, and the perspective it puts on our daily walk in a beautiful, yet fallen world.