Mooses With Bazookas is 🔥
Don’t take my word for it.
Seriously, why would you trust someone who wrote a book called MOOSES WITH BAZOOKAS: AND OTHER STORIES CHILDREN SHOULD NEVER READ?
See what others have to say:

“As a mom to three sons (14, 10, 9) it’d becoming harder and harder to find a book that all three will enjoy. This one fits the bill and exceeds expectations! We have loved the other books by SD Smith and were excited to read a different kind of book from this author. Engaging silliness and humor right up their alley, even the title makes them giggle. Thank you, SD Smith, for giving me another great option for our family to read, pass on, discuss, and build family memories around!”
“She’s my most reluctant reader…and she’s LOVING it.”
Mykal, @novasmama
Please take a moment to add your review on Amazon!
Giveaway: Send us a screenshot of your review (or copy and paste the text) to be entered for a chance to win something cool!

For everyone who has left a review—or will leave one now—thank you! You have no idea what it means to me. It makes a huge difference!
That’s all for now.
Go where the rut leads you,
P. S. The Black Star of Kingston and The Last Archer are FREE on Kindle February 1-2.
SD SMITH!!!!! im all up for.. ya know, other books but..
I NEED ONE ABOUT HELMER’s CHILDHOOD! Uh, hello? Hes like, even better than FRODO!!!
SERIOUSLY, I WILL BE IN MY GRAVE if you dont write this!!
This book is not boring at all! After I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down because of how entertaining and funny it is! I reread it all the time especially when I need a laugh.
I’m glad you found your senses