If You Have Something to Share With the World, You HAVE to See This
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Hey Friends,
This is one of my best stories for anyone who has anything they want to share.
I was your typical shy kid in many ways. If you could have seen me–for most of my life–you would have said, “Oh yeah, that’s an introverted, scared, and shy kind of a guy.”
I loved music, and I got a guitar for my sixteenth birthday. Hidden away in the room I shared with my brothers, I wrote songs on my new guitar. I wanted to share them, but didn’t have the confidence. When we had people over for dinner, my mom would encourage me to get my guitar and play one of my songs. I would reluctantly agree.
I got my guitar, and started strumming & singing.
*mumble mumble mumble*
“What? Huh?” The guests leaned in with their hands cupped behind their ears.
I was whisper-singing.
And I did that for a long time. That was how I interacted with people. At the time, the story I told myself was, “You’re shy and you’re humble. You just don’t want to show off.” And I really believed that for a while. Then it clicked for me.
I was not humble and shy.
I was proud and afraid.
If I was truly humble, I would have sung out. If I cared more about the people in the room than myself and what they might think of me, I would have sung loudly so they could hear. I would have tried to give them a gift.
But I wanted to protect myself. Pride and fear is at the root of a lot of our orientation toward others—whether or not we want to show up and share our work.
God has given me a gift and I’ve got to show up to it. I’m being disrespectful to God when I am proud and afraid. The prouder I am, the quieter I get. And the quieter I am, the less generous I am toward those I’m called to serve.
What I wish I had done…
What I want to do the rest of my life…
What I beg you to do is…
Sing loud.
Sing loud with a humble heart.
Give those gifts away. You’re given a gift—not to hoard, not to hide. You are given something in order to share it.
If you’re like me, that’s probably a big deal. It’s hard. I get that. But that might be the bravest—and humblest—thing you do.
Show up and share.
Sing loud with a humble heart.

For Young Writers:
I originally shared that story during my session with Brett Harris during the Young Writer’s Summit.
I believe that most writing success is the result of determined writers who show up again and again and don’t stop working. I wasn’t born with all the writing skills I have today, but because I put in consistent work and practice, I have now written eleven books!
Putting in the work can be hard, however. It takes a lot of persistence, determination, and encouragement – and young writers struggle if they try to do it all alone.
That’s why I highly recommend you consider The Young Writer’s Workshop. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY ENROLLMENT IS OPEN.
This program gives writers the community support and training they need to start making progress with their writing. You don’t need to do this all by yourself.
You can click here to learn more about it before enrollment closes TODAY.
I’m on your side,