S. D. Smith and Dude Perfect

So, my kids are VERY big Dude Perfect fans. I mean, as much as I looked up to athletes or other stars as a kid, my kids adore Coby, Cory, Garrett, Cody, and Tyler.
And it’s not just them. These guys are some of the most popular entertainers alive, with 13 BILLION views on their videos. No. Joke.
We got tickets to see DP at Bristol Motor Speedway last Friday and surprised the kids! We sometimes piggy-back on work-travel for vacations, but we kinda stink at actually taking time to do something fun and haven’t really vacationed much or in a long time. Well, we did this little trip and the kids had a blast.
We all cheered the guys on during their entertaining antics and my daughter even brought her homemade “Go TT!” sign she made and uses at home during their battles. She’s a big fan. We’re all big fans.
And we have a few things in common with DP.
1) They are authors. My books have sometimes—on rare occasions—dipped into the top 100 overall sales on Amazon. Their new book is currently #1. (Yeah, that’s a LOT of book sales!)
2) They are Christians. I love that these guys are unashamed and do their work intentionally, without being defensive or fearful. I think they are great examples to others (like me) who do work in public, but—as followers of Jesus—sometimes face unique obstacles in the world of entertainment/arts.
3) Our entertainment lawyer is their entertainment lawyer. He’s an awesome guy, also named Sam, and we love working with him. He’s fantastic. And that leads us to what happened Friday night…
I met up with Sam at the event, but I never asked, or expected, to get to meet the Dudes. But Sam surprised us big time and took us with him to meet the guys after the show. My kids were speechless, starstruck, and absolutely delighted.
Bucket List: CHECKED.
And they were awesome in person. My kids kept saying they were just like they are in their videos.
My son got his book signed by all the Dudes, and my daughter got her homemade “Go TT!” sign autographed as well.
This was such a fun night, one that my family will never forget.
We feel thankful, and encouraged.
Next Bucket List? Doing a video with DP.
Thats awesome that you guys got to meet!
That is so cool! DP is awesome, my whole family loves them too!